
Training Centric

Where Industry and Training Connect

Welcome  Haere Mai   Selamat datang   歡迎 Huān yíng  Talitali lelei   faa feiloai    स्वागत है swagat hai  Welkom  स्वागत छ  

Cows in Pasture

We create BESPOKE training solutions delivered on worksites and online.

Train your farm team with workshops designed and delivered to meet your requirements.

Contact us to discuss.

Our Certificates and Micro-Credentials listed on the New Zealand Qualifications Authority

Certificate in Farm Dairy Systems Management (Level 4)

Competency Certificate for the NZMPTA Milking Machine Testers

Selecting the Right Pump For Rural Fluid Systems

We deliver On Farm in the Waikato for Agricademy

Combined online and on-farm dairy training.

This training is for entry-level and first year people to upskill with the right training in the right place.