
Training Centric

Where Industry and Training Connect

Welcome  Haere Mai   Selamat datang   歡迎 Huān yíng  Talitali lelei   faa feiloai    स्वागत है swagat hai  Welkom  स्वागत छ  

Our Strategy

It's all about...
win - win solutions.

We are here to:

Service the “gaps” in Primary Industry Vocational Training.

Provide a platform for tutors and learners to thrive together.

Promote New Zealand Inc on a global scale and facilitate training/support to help the world improve food production together.

Reduce the environmental footprint of education delivery, and increase accessibility of programmes for international workers BEFORE they come to New Zealand’s shores.

Develop education solutions that promote people, build capability and increase industry quality for the benefit of all stakeholders.

Develop training plans and pathways that support other providers and partners.

It's all about...
helping employers AND workers
to meet each other's expectations

Our Values

It's all about...

Do everything with passion.

Accept, learn and support all cultures and ethnicities.

Support diversity and inclusion in education.

Promote wellbeing of people:

Employers, learners, tutors and education support.  

Transparency with open communication to support shared IP across industries and peoples.

Embrace, support and lead change for positive transformation and resilience to adapt.

What we believe...

We need to train the gaps and continually seek new knowledge and ways of working.


Each student is individual – and may need a mix of training levels and industry knowledge to succeed.


Providing introductory training before work visa employees arrive in New Zealand will enable success in the workplace and improved synergy between the expectations of employers and workers.


Affordable, quality training for everyone is that win-win we are looking for.